Time for my personal review of the year just for my supporters and followers on Blogspot !
2010 has been such an eye opener. The 4 months I spent outside the UK at the start of the year gave me such an appreciation of life in a different country thats so hard to explain. Both Belarus and Ukraine are amazing places and Im so glad to have fitted in there and met some good friends in both countries.
Some people may say I was mad to not only sell my house, but to make such a risky move with no guaranteed job or visa to even keep me in the country. However my view was that it gave me an opportunity to do a bit of exploring of a different part of the world. Yes I had to come back to the UK in May, but it really hasnt put me off, and who knows I may try it again!!
The 4 months also gave me an ideal time to watch from a distance the DnB scene in the UK and look at it with an open mind. It was such a good feeling to be away from the bitchiness in the UK scene that holds it back so much. Artists, supporters, producers, and promoters think they are the be all and end all of the scene, when they really arent. The scene around the world is so much more varied, relaxed, and above all, NOT held in the past by artists that are way past their sell-by dates. Personally I dont think its the artists to blame for this, but the general public stuck in their ways and the same old names appearing on flyers time and time again, instead of embracing the newer talent that has just as much skill and diversity. Whatever the reasons however it has made the DnB scene stale in my view, promoters sticking with the easy solution for events and booking those same old names.
In our KrisisDnB events weve always made the effort to promote the names of the future and not of the past. As a forward thinking station thats made us THE STATION OF THE FUTURE, therefore its only right that our events promote that as well. People like Majistrate, Pleasure, Tantrum Desire, Dub Zero, MC Rhymes have all headlined at our events as they deserve more of the limelight compared to those same old names playing the same sets week in week out and getting paid a fortune to do so as well.
Anyway I returned to the UK on May 10th not wanting to come back really, but made the best of it and organised the first ever KrisisDnB event in London. A completely different way of promoting an event with so many other events always going to be in the area on the same night. So I decided to make it a multi-genre event instead of just DnB. After doing my research I came up with what I think was one of my most ambitious lineups ever. Heist was my first choice of DnB artists to lead one room, and Ctrl-Z have been making huge moves in the Breaks scene during 2010. And to top it off Jeppa was not only the 2009 UK DMC champion but was also crowned te 2010 champion as well! Alongside a batch of KrisisDnB residents of the highest quality including Septik, Docile, Fly and Spooka, as well as NeO, myself and KrisisDnB newboy Vinyl Richy it was a mouthwatering lineup! We had a decent crowd after the shock that we were in competition with Andy C at Fabric down the road.
It gave NeO and Richy the urge to organise their own event in Portsmouth. They planned it thoroughly and I advised where I could along the way, but they had things in hand anyway, with NeO having a fair amount of knowledge from our previous events in Bournemouth, Southampton and Portsmouth. 2 big events headlined by Majistrate and Pleasure got things off to a good start. A promoters nightmare was about to kick in however as another promoter had seen how well they were doing, and made an offer to Drift in the City that they simply couldnt refuse. Upfrontuk DnB had simply more cash than we did at the time, and steamrollered their way into Drift. It didnt work out too well for them though with small attendances, and even by linking up with Double Dipped to attract more people didnt help them. A costly night in early December looks like it will end their attempt to lure people to Portsmouth. Im sure they will try and prove me wrong but thats up to them and im really not worried either way.
NeO and Richy are planning their next event for the first part of 2011 which im looking forward to seeing more details of. In the last 2 months ive been organising the next KrisisDnB international event, this time in Ukraine. Its taken a lot of work so far but once again we are doing this with the ethos of involving the stars from the station alongside a big lineup from Ukraine, and headlining the bill is one of the biggest international DnB names in the scene. Unknown Error has played around the world, having performed at various Therapy Sessions events which have taken him to Kiev before. It has attracted quite a bit of interest from the locals so far, and so has the fact that this event will have the most UK artists they have ever seen in the former russian republics capital city.
So thats it for 2010, a couple more weeks left, my christmas show on KrisisDnB.Com on christmas day, and time for a few beers (or vodkas) on New Year.
Thanks to everyone who has supported me throughout the year, and be prepared for more during 2011 !!!
MX (KrisisDnB, UK)