Sunday, 3 May 2015

My new website - A Unix System Administrator Journey

I decided to start a new website a few weeks ago. Something I could use to publish my skills, products, views, and also to be a basic blog of hints and tips of the things I know.

As well as a DJ, my professional job is a Unix System Administrator. I have worked for reasonably large companies including Hewlett Packard on a UK Ministry of Defence contract, as well as the UK 4th largest Tour Operator, and hard copy and internet Business Directoty.

My skills are therefore varied!! Over the last few years I have taken those skills abroad and now work in the Republic of Georgia where I am System Administrator for the largest media portal in the country. This has added to my skillset and exposure to yet another new area. As well as doing my regular day job here I am also a freelance developer and administrator for clients in the UK, USA, and Europe.

I supply Technical Support services, as well as hosting services for Internet Radio (through my website), which also is a promotional outlet for DJs, Labels, and Producers to advertise their electronic music releases or events.

The point of my new website is fairly simple. With the experience I have, I have plenty of knowledge which could be of use to others, so I want to share it.

DocuScan - Document Management System

I have also written a product originally for an american client, but it has the functionality to be useful for a wide range of businesses. The core of it is a Document Management System. A solution for keeping ALL of your documentation and correspondence in a single system. There are 1000s of tools which attempt to do this, but what makes mine different is it can totally remove the need to store physical paperwork. Using OCR (Optical Character Recognition) my system enables you to simply scan in your documents, have the system convert the paper into readable, searchable, indexed documents. This functionality solves some core business requirements. For example my client uses it to ensure COMPLIANCE with US laws, to ensure that he does not break any laws (and therefore get sued) for not following correct procedures when contacting his clients. You can check the product (DocuScan) on the website!!

Check out the site and let me know what you think !