After a quiet month eventwise as there has been so much going on with the V3 website, things get moving again in 2 weeks time !!!
Firstly next friday im off to Ukraine and Belarus for the weekend. Big ups to Red Catz for getting in touch with Fade over there and sorting an event in Kiev, Ukraine on the 23rd October.
Venue : Bingo Nightclub, Kiev
Lineup :
MX (KrisisDnB, UK)
RED CATZ (KrisisDnB, BY)
V:G:K [Acid Robots, Hellfire, BreakVision]
Fade [Synchronize, Melting Pot]
Katwon b2b Miss Sue [Волны, Brutal Attack Rec]
Tr1ton [Dangerbeat]
Fish [NSS Rec]
Then its my long awaited trip to Chernobyl on Saturday 24th !!! Finally i will ge right up to Reactor 4 and the surrounding towns and villages.
Flight up to Minsk in Belarus to then start the next phase of my plan to move to Belarus. Ive got an interview at a university to teach English. If the interview and trial class goes well then who knows where I will be at xmas. Yes im nervous but also looking forward to it. It will be a huge challenge to integrate with people over there and language is going to be my main barrier, but hopefully I can start to learn russian or belarusian over there as well.
Either way im back in the UK on the 27th and in the same way as my last trip to Belarus, I came back to our next event at The Ashley in the New Forest. 30th October is our 3rd event there and even though Stamma wont be there this time, this event is for him as he started this all off. Kendall and Gambit have helped loads and its looking good to be another full house for our halloween event.
Then its either time for a leaving party if Belarus happens that quick or a KRISISDnB XMAS SPECIAL to arrange !!! Busy Busy Busy !!
In between all that the V3 Phase 2 site needs to be worked on and implemented. Weve still got a few bugs to sort on the current site but were slowly getting there and its all working fine so far.
More soon.....
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