Wednesday, 14 April 2010

SKAR(RED) to Rave

SKAR(RED) to Rave
What a lovely morning ive woke up to !! Sun is shining, its nice and warm, and my work visa is getting sorted!

First laugh I had today was seeing what is supposed to be MC SKAR's birthday event on facebook. After Skar asked me to help him with it a few weeks ago, I was only too willing to help. He has been on the mic at a few KRISISDnB.COM events and I wanted to help him improve and get more exposure.
However it seems that he is now paying the DJ bill for the lineup and playing a cameo role, for what looks a Rollin Rave event. Flyer designer Ripraw has taken full opportunity to make it effectively look like his event even though its not costing him a penny, and presumably the 'put me on your lineup and you get flyer for free' has got past Skar easily.

That would have been criminal enough on its own, but not only has he managed to get himself on the lineup, but also the entire Rollin Rave crew from Mouldwick, DoubleMC (wannabe gangster, what a joke !), Kendall (who im sure will be all cool with his best friend DoubleMC on the night), and Hannibal who was recruited by Rollin Rave who saw another person who could be used to promote Ripraw and Mouldwicks brand because he beat Ripraw and someone else (cant remember his name) at a small DJ competition a few months ago.

Anyway the standard Rollin Rave flyer layout (slightly tilted with a rollin rave logo that takes up half the page) has been done (in probably 5mins as its the same as the last 4 or 5 flyers, not too bad to get on a lineup!!). I do feel sorry for Kendall though. Another puppet of Rollin Rave. He really does try his best to help and be part of it, but its very obvious that its Ripraw and Mouldwick who run things as they are so much higher up the pecking order than anyone else, if only Kendall could see that. Kendall is a good friend and he knows I helped him gain some experience and gave him the backing he always deserved.

So anyway, Skar did take my advice in using Empire Club in Bournemouth. Even though its not the best venue in the world by a long way, its not too bad. And considering the amount he has spent on a lineup then a cheap venue was always going to be the way to go. Skar wanted to be part of the KRISISDnB crew, but presumably as Ripraw made the flyer, there isnt even a small krisisdnb logo on it.

Im sounding all very bitter I know, but thats far from the truth. In the last few years Ive learned that there are so many people only in Drum and Bass to help themselves. I have never been like that, and have really tried to help everyone as much as I can. By doing that it has allowed me to give people an opportunity to get in the scene, but what it also does, is to show me when they get a little bit of fame then there true colours show through whether they are genuine friends, or just someone in it for themselves. Classic examples of people in it for themselves are DoubleMC, DJ Foxy (not the known MC.. a bedroom DJ i helped and gave an event to), Krogenik and Shakey, but the list is much longer than that. Its made me laugh at it all now, being over here in Belarus, I can watch them all arguing between themselves and licking each others arses to get a set here and there. I do hope Skar doesnt fall into that group as well as he is a cool bloke who can improve on his own without getting involved with the rest of them.

On a different note, the pirate radio thing in Southampton seems to have taken in the rollin rave crew as well as Kendall and Stamma (who will be off his tag soon I think) and probably more as well. I wonder how long it will take before it gets shut down again, and also before they realise that the handful of listeners on FM and the pitiful site that has disappears. Personally I dont see the buzz with pirate radio on the scale they are doing it. Not only is it illegal, but everyone involved with it can be prosecuted if they are caught. Worth it for 5-10 listeners? Hmm.. let me think about that one hahahaha. With every FM station in the country now on the internet as well, they know its just a matter of time before FM disappears completely. Cars in the UK and abroad are slowly installing Internet Radios and as soon as that becomes more widespread then the drop off from FM will really happen.

So how are things in Belarus... well im loving it still !! I hit a small problem a few days ago in that my Vkontakte page got hacked so I lost all my friends and contacts I had, but im slowly building that back up now. My real problem is remembering everyones names ! Its still hard reading the language even peoples names, but im slowly getting there. Last weekends events werent as busy as I had hoped, but in the 10 weeks or so ive been here, ive played at some amazing events especially in Bobruisk and Gomel. Ive made some real friends here and the communication barrier isnt stopping me too much. Our weekly events at Reaktor Club had a quiet weekend last week probably because of the extended weekend break, but hopefully they will pick up again this weekend. I think I am also about to be booked to play in a town called Novopolotsk (think thats how its spelled) sometime in late April or May, as well as a return set to The Pocket Music Box event in Minsk in early May as well. Ukraine is looking likely for May, and it would be good to work with Tyke to organise my birthday event too.

Im gutted about the Czech Republic event. I had to extend my visa as you all know a few weeks ago but there was no way I could make it multiple entries to Belarus as I needed an invitation letter which I didnt know about. Therefore on a single entry there was no chance to get to Prague. Tony the promoter, did leave it till the last minute to even get the flyer out though which didnt give us much time to organise. At least AskArT is going to represent the station and after speaking to Tony, Red Catz, Yellow Int and myself will go to Czech Republic in the summer.

We have a load of new shows starting on KRISISDnB.COM in the next week. Some hugely talented DJs have shown a big interest in joining so im looking forward to hearing there first shows on the station. Shawshank did a 4 hour 'test stream' a few days ago which went well, Didz, Refix, Termz are all set up and will blast some Drum and Bass to the world, and or first dedicated Dubstep DJ Docta Blunt is ready to go as well. You can find there show times on the schedule page on the site.

My mini-website has had a little bit of a revamp with some new promo pics taken from my set in Bobruisk a week or so ago. Some fantastic pics I think you will agree. You can check them out on

Following from past experiences, weve had more personal threats from Shedbass Radio who have continued in there quest to cause problems to the station and site. It appears now to be directed towards NeO, as its obvious that cant do anything to me being over here. I made an attempt to speak to them to clear things but got the usual form of response. Its been over 3 years now since we left and started KRISISDnB, so maybe its about time they just sorted there own station instead of harassing someone elses. Im the past I would never give them the promotion by even mentioning there name in a post, but now iv grown weary of hiding the fact. People can make up there own minds about what they are like and there station, it doesnt bother me in the slightest.
And lastly, after whats been around 2 months, NeO will finally have his internet connected back up in his new place next week !!! Then Phase 2 of the website really starts coming together. I think over the last few months the V3 website has gained us a lot of additional support from listeners around the world, so as we build on what is currently just a base of the potential the site has, then we should see that support grow substantially. You can check what is there already on the usual address : Please help spread the word by posting the KRISISDnB.COM link on your forum posts, blogs, websites, facebook, myspace or anywhere else you can think of. Let us know where you post our link and we will link to your page as well which helps you as well !!!

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