Wednesday, 2 March 2011

The way things are...

Time to say my views on a few things I think. Personally I dont care whether you agree with my views or not. I am putting this up on my blog as a blog is intended to be a collection of posts about a person or a theme which is exactly what my page is.

Having travelled away from the UK over the last couple of years its made me realise how the DnB scene in the uk is so riddled with politics its unreal.

On one end theres the so called larger names that appear on the top of flyers up and down the country every week. Yes a lot of them have done a huge amount for the scene in the last 20 years, but surely there is an end to someones 'shelflife'. The DnB scene seems to extend that far more than any other genre of music ive ever listened to !!

Then there is the lower end of the scene.. the 'up and comings' as they like to be known as. A million and one DJs and MCs scrabbling around for any small event they can get their names on the flyer for. I would like to think that im selective in the events I play at these days as some just simply are not worth the hassle even turning up to. 2010 was probably the first year I broke out of the 'up and coming' section and started doing what I wanted to do instead of whatever came my way. Yes there will always be events that I play at that I did not for my own benefit, but to help promote the event or a friend running it and that will always be the case.

Now I am living in Minsk Belarus it gives me a good chance to watch what happens in the UK from a distance, and in same way as I watched for the early part of 2010 it still makes me laugh how DJs and MCs I had in my studio in Southampton are exactly the same as they were 2 or 3 years ago. No vision to progress !!! I see people saying 'ooo im on flyer with XXXX (insert any well known DJ name) on XXX event'. I just think 'WOW, well done on getting yourself in 3rd, 4th, or 8th place on a flyer !!!'. Now im not one to rate any dj on their position on a flyer, and iv never been one to try and get flyer 'position' over anyone else. Where I am different to a lot of others in the UK nowadays is that Im not happy to be an 'extra' on a lineup. Thats one of the very reasons why coming here is more than just a holiday, is partly a means of my ambition to progress as a quality DJ in my own right.

Yes it may be a bit easier to come here and to get headline sets every month than it is in England, but it has got my name known to an audience from a different country and raised my profile loads. Personally I see that as a big achievement and something I am proud to be able to say I have done. There is still a long way to reach all of my goals but at this time Im happy with how things are going.

More soon !!!

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